Preparing for Your Little One's 1st Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits
1st Birthday and Cake Smash Sessions are the thing right now and really are a lot of fun. It is a great way to get portraits of your little one being their cute little selves and making a mess while doing so. This blog post is to give you tips, details, and suggestions for these sessions! Feel free to email, text, or call me with any questions!
A Cake Smash Client Guide is coming soon!

********Choosing your Cake Smash Collection********
There are three different Cake Smash Collections to choose from!
1. When to Schedule: If you want to use the images at the party or for invites, please schedule 6 weeks in advance. If you chose a custom cake smash, sessions must be booked 12 weeks in advance.
2. Choosing a theme: Picking a theme can be one of the most fun parts of the session (besides the cake smashing of course). Choosing a theme that describes your little one, is in their nursery, or is the theme for their party are all common. A theme is not necessary, but it helps me know how to prepare. 3. Props: You may bring things to incorporate into your session as long as you discuss them with me beforehand. This helps me understand what you want, as well as be able to provide any additional props. Safety comes first, so ideas deemed unsafe will not be used.
4. Picking a backdrop: You may choose from a wide range of solid color backdrops. Solid colors keep focus on the cake and your little one. Custom backdrops can be ordered with the purchase of a custom cake smash session. 5. Choosing location. (Studio vs outdoor) a. Studio: Enjoy a studio session where your set up is ready and you can choose outfits from the client closet for a "pre smash" portrait! b. Outdoors: We would collaborate on choosing a location that is beautiful, safe, and somewhere for easy clean up! This could be as simple as a backyard! 6. Choosing outfit: You may choose as many outfits as you would like, and can fit into the time scheduled for the session. If I have time available, you may add time to your session for the original price of $75/hr plus tax. For portraits any fun or favorite outfits work. If you choose a studio session, you may also chose from the client closet for your pres smash portion. For the cake smash portion, choose something simple and in theme. Typical outfits are onesies, a plain diaper, a tutu, plain jeans, or birthday themed shirt or dress. I do not provide outfits for the smash portion. 7. Choosing cake: This is an important part, and can make a difference in photos. We may be fans of chocolate or red velvet cake, but when smashed and covering your little one (and sometimes you, or even me) it looks like other less appetizing things. This goes for chocolate and red icing as well. Bright or pastel colored icing, or white with multi colored sprinkles all work very well on white cake. Choose a simple butter cream icing since it is a lot easier to smash than fondant. If your cake is frozen, please allow time for thawing before your session. A cold un-smashable cake is no fun for everyone. *These are just suggestions and can be followed but are not mandatory. I will not turn you away because you want a chocolate Spiderman, ladybug, or Elmo cake. ** I do not supply the cake for most sessions, nor do I accept responsibility for illnesses due to food allergies, sugar spikes or an other illness that may occur from participating in this session. Cakes from the custom smash collection are provided by a licensed and insured local baker.
1. Your little one is not digging in: Sometimes having a cake in front of you is a big surprise and a lot of fun. Some little ones jump right in, others like to poke or try the cake first. Parents may get involved at this point to help little ones discover that the cake is edible, yummy, and of course messy. Some little ones may make a big mess and others choose to be a little neater. Either way these photos create a cute memory.
2. Your little one is crying and upset: Sometimes the sight or strangers (especially now since a year of social distancing!) or sitting still is not so much fun for little ones. This is where patience comes in, and don’t worry, I have a lot of it. I will help you make your little one comfortable and happy. Make sure you stick close, but out of frame to help maintain that comfort level. If your little one is crying in between giggles or bites of cake feel free to reassure them, but let them continue what they are doing. Some images are cute with a little tear on their cheek (it’s their party and the can cry if they want to right?). If they continue to cry, do not hesitate in removing them from the set. You will not upset or frustrate me, and we can reschedule for a later time or available date, if need be.
3. Distractions: If family members are joining to watch, please refrain from taking photos or video of any kind. Please remain behind, or beside me to keep your little one from looking to the side or behind them. I want to see their cute cake covered faces! Feel free to talk, giggle, make silly faces, or even sing songs. I am known for doing all of those during a child’s session.
1. Some tips for easy cleanup a. Pack extra clothes: If you are choosing a location that is not in your home or yard, please pack extra clothes for you and your little one. You should also wear clothing that you do not mind ruining. b. Pack extra wipes: I will have wipes available, but please have or bring extra. A towel to wrap your little one in post smash is good no matter the location. c. Pack a wet bag or plastic bag for cake covered clothes: If you are choosing a location that is not in your home or yard, please pack a plastic or another bag for icing covered clothes. 2. Bubble bath: If you would like an after cake smash bubble bath portrait, please let me know. I can provide the silver metal “bathtub” or other container and you must supply warm water, soap, and any toys or towels. These images will only include babies sitting in the tubs, fully covered, and will not be exposed in any way. This is also a choice and not required. This set up will only be for a couple portraits, taking a few minutes, and then your little one can hit the real bath tub! Check in between the toes and behind the ears!
Even though a little long, I hope this blog post proved to be helpful in preparing you for your little ones 1st Birthday and Cake Smash Portraits. Feel free to ask me any questions prior or during your session.
